Years of experience in the recruitment area have given us a solid background and knowledge about job interviews. Our team leaders, Mateusz and Kordian, were hosting the recruitment talk recently to expand our recruiter’s expertise in this topic. Nothing is obvious and every detail can be important, and this is why the role of recruiter is so crucial. It is one of the most important recruiters' duties to efficiently prepare our candidates to their interviews. Their success is our goal, so we prepare together by making notes, showing candidates their strengths in a way that is more presentable to their future employer and encouraging them to perform at their best! Don’t hesitate to ask questions, we will always show and teach you more about the company and the project that you will be working on and inform about specifics of each interview in the recruitment process. This is the grand advise we are always sharing. And once you are prepared and facing interviewers be yourself, be honest, ask questions and listen carefully. Thanks to it, you are more likely to get the job you always wanted. #recruitment #recruiter #advice #findaperfectjob #recruitmenttalk