How to take care of your motivation while working from home? Motivation at work is really important. It is especially worth taking care of, when you work alone, as there are no colleagues next to us who can support us, even with a smile. 1️⃣ Eat that frog. The tasks you find most difficult and challenging are worth doing first. Motivation increases after completing such a task, and you do not stress about having to complete it in the second half of the day. 2️⃣ Habits to help you set yourself up for a good day. Morning rituals before starting work, such as doing sport, reading a few pages of your favourite book, having breakfast, showering, putting on make-up before work, or any other activity that will put you in a good mood and mentally set you up for the start of your work day, are ideal for boosting your motivation for the day. 3️⃣ Setting targets for the day and checking them off the list when they are done. Verifying the implementation of your tasks, as well as prioritising and planning for the next day before finishing work will allow you to finish the working day with a sense of satisfaction and preparation for the next day. 4️⃣ Act according to the plan. If you plan time for your responsibilities – carry them out as planned. Plan them as you would plan a meeting with another team member – this way you ensure respect for your own time. Try to be assertive when needed. 5️⃣ Time for interruptions. Plan the time between the tasks you set, then you can implement interruptions that pop up unscheduled. 6️⃣ Breaks. Take care of your breaks, which you need to recover and not to lose strength and motivation for the next activities. Healthy eating and hydration are important for the proper functioning of our body. 7️⃣ Reward yourself. It is very important that our work brings us satisfaction, so we should enjoy every success, even the smallest one, and reward ourselves for the big ones in such a way that achieving goals and targets improves our mood and well-being. Do you have other tips or thoughts? Share them in the comment ?